
Wednesday 13 November 2013

Catch up

WOW it has been a long time between posts.... too long

Since I last posted I have been on a little holiday up the coast just Kids and no Hubby :) It was just what I needed.

I went to stay with my Aunty Weaz (Louise) and her Hubby for a while. My Aunty would have to be one of the most crafty people I know ( a part from me lol). No need to guess what we did all the time I was there...... CRAFT CRAFT and more CRAFT!!

I have taken a liking to painting so here are some of the ones I did while I was away. I am not good at it at all but I do love how calming and relaxing it makes you feel and on the plus side my girls love them :)

 I have made a few re useable lunch and snack bags for my girls. These are so easy and great as you don't need to buy the zip lock ones from the shop which I seem to forget every time I run out lol. Just wipe them out and pack them again. They are perfect for protecting our environment for our little ones in the future.

I have joined a swap group that I am loving :) You sign up for a swap and you have to make an atc (Artist trading card) and send it to different people around the world. You then stalk the mailman waiting for one from someone else :) There are different themes and swap so everyone has something that they like.

I have also join in on my first crocheted dishcloth swap on the lovely Mel Goodsell's Blog. This is the first time I have make a dishcloth but let me just say it certainly will not be the last :)

How adorable are these little cheeky sock monkeys?

I have been really busy creating some of these to put on my Facebook page and on here to sell so keep a look out.

That's it for now I need to go and finish the latest project that I have been working on.

Happy Creating!!

Friday 30 August 2013

Owls, Owls and more Owls......

WOW time is going way to fast!

Someone told me that it only 118 sleeps until the Big Jolly Man himself comes for a visit..... I haven't even started Christmas shopping yet :(

I have been busy with the usual family and children commitments of schooling activities, Mel's soccer training and game day on Saturday plus all the other things that go on with a family of 2 adults and 3 children.

I can't wait for Spring to come when all the flowers camera gets a really good work out then LOL.

Here is one of the photos that I have taken of my first rose bud!

You can find more of my photography work on my Facebook page - Kelley Bodycott *Photography*

On the creative side of things I have been very busy making my own crocheted owl bags. I have made up my own pattern YAY!! I have already been asked to make some as gifts for Christmas :)

Here is my first attempt at embroidery.... not perfect but I love it.

Can you all see a theme happening here lol I have 3 girls and they all love OWLS!!

Well that's it for now from me......... Happy Creating :)

K xx

Thursday 15 August 2013

A Child again...

I am SUPER excited...... I feel like a child again!!!

I have just opened up a parcel that contains my very first 12" Blythe Doll......mine all mine LOL

Meet Darcie :)

Now to keep her out of the hands of my 3 year old LOL

Wednesday 31 July 2013

Littlest Pet Shop and Blythe Dolls

My girls have an obsession with Littlest Pet Shop toys!! They have about 150 between them, they all have names and the girls can remember every single one of them LOL.
I seem to have created the same obsession LOL.
I LOVE the packs that have the little blythe doll in them. Here are some of the ones that my girls own.
I am currently waiting on my own Littlest Pet Shop blythe to come...YAY!!!
I am thinking of having a little fun with them by sending them on holidays to different places. The idea is that the person that is looking after the blythe is to take photos of all the fun things that they get up to while she is there. Once that persons turn comes to an end they will pass it to the next in line.
I need to work out the details but just an idea at the moment.

Tuesday 23 July 2013


What else is there to do when you have a few child free hours.......That's right CREATE!!!

Armed with denim shorts, a tie and a threaded sewing machine I set out to UPCYCLE.

After some unpicking and sewing I had the body of the bag made. The next step was the strap......what better thing to use then a men's tie joined with a button. I decided to add a doily on the front to add a little more interest.

As you know I have 3 girls, so 1 bag isn't going to cut it if the fighting today was anything to go by lol.... Looks like I will be making loads more:)

Who else made a trip to Spotlight to buy the $1 Flat Fats?

These are the ones that I got, although I still need to make up my mind what I am going to use them for.

Stay tuned for more of my upcycle creations

Kell xx

Thursday 18 July 2013

Finding Time......

I am a mum to 3 beautiful little girls 11,9 and 3, I always seem to be busy running around after them and trying to keep house.

My husband is wonderful as he helps a lot around the house and with the girls but for some reason I seem to be finding less and less time to do any creating :(

Could it be that the days seem to be getting shorter or is it that there is always something on or just the simple fact that life is way to FAST? .......PLEASE TELL ME THAT I'M NOT ALONE :)

I would love to hear how and when you all find the time to just sit and go into the wonderful world of creativity without having to worry that you still need to do all the dreaded household chores.

Monday 8 July 2013

Play dough

Who doesn't love play dough?

I know I do and so do my 3 girls!!

I got sick of spending money on something that wasn't real cheap and that didn't last very long.

I found a few recipes online telling me how to make play dough at home.

I tried the stove top and the microwave recipes but the girls hated having to wait for it to cool before they could play with it.

This recipe I'm sharing with you was also found online and it is a NO cook one which is so easy my girls can make it one their own.

We all know how much kids love to sneak bits of dough into their mouth when we aren't looking so as you can see all the ingredients in this recipe are all basic, safe things we all have in our cupboards already.

Play dough is great to keep the "I'm Bored" away, great for your child's development and it is also great to donate to your school fete.

                                                                                                                                                                                     ( Picture found online)


2 Cups Plain Flour
1 Cup Salt
1 Tablespoon Cooking Oil
1/2 - 1 Cup Cold Water
2 Drops Food Colour

1. In a large bowl, combine the plain flour and salt.
2. Add water, colour and oil and mix until combined.
3. Knead well                                                             

*If your dough is sticky or too wet just add more flour

** You can also add a small bit of fragrance and glitter to your play dough.

Make a few patches of different colours and your kids ( and you ) will be entertained for hours.

Enjoy xx