
Thursday, 18 July 2013

Finding Time......

I am a mum to 3 beautiful little girls 11,9 and 3, I always seem to be busy running around after them and trying to keep house.

My husband is wonderful as he helps a lot around the house and with the girls but for some reason I seem to be finding less and less time to do any creating :(

Could it be that the days seem to be getting shorter or is it that there is always something on or just the simple fact that life is way to FAST? .......PLEASE TELL ME THAT I'M NOT ALONE :)

I would love to hear how and when you all find the time to just sit and go into the wonderful world of creativity without having to worry that you still need to do all the dreaded household chores.


  1. I am totally hearing you Kelley; I would love to start making headbands & clips & things again but I just haven't got the time anymore!

    I also want to start studying again but the one thing that stops me the most is how & when on earth will I fit it in..

    I will admit sometimes my time management is very poor & I so wish I was a super organised mum!!

    1. I have always been able to find time but lately I am finding it hard to juggle everything :(

      Life seems to be getting fuller and time seems to be faster.

      I hope you find time to study again and to make more of your clips :)

  2. PS its nearly midnight & I finally just crawled into bed after putting the washing on, vaccuming & cleaning the kitchen! It feels amazing. LOL
